Join us!
Would you like to join us?
This is the eligibility criteria:
You're a student at Memorial University
You're not afraid to ask questions
You're responsible and hardworking
A 3-hr/week ( at minimum ) commitment including the weekly team meetings
We use a Slack group for internal communication. You can create a free Slack account using your mun email address. Download the Slack mobile app now!
Do you need any prior experience to join? Not at all, we are looking for hardworking and curious juniors who want to gain exposure to and understanding for design (in terms of mechanical/electrical), project management and coding or even administration.
Some of the things you could work on (Current Postings for Volunteers)
Structural: Internal and External Hull Design and Manufacturing
Will assist in the manufacturing processes for the various components that the team has decided to manufacture through novel methods such as 3D printing, milling and cutting or welding etc. Includes creation of parts from SolidWorks drawings where necessary
Responsible for the design of the configuration of the components and how they will be placed inside the cylinder
Will look at ways to incorporate fin in the design.
Electrical: PCB design and manufacturing x2
Based on the required electrical equipment, you would be involved in the design and manufacturing of the PCB required. Will include the soldering of components
Power Management System
➢ Voltage/Current Sensing
➢ Heat sensing/Dissipation
Software: Social Media and Website Development
Will be required to make regular updates to website and uploads to Youtube of content and updates on project progress
Fluids: Fluids and Fin Analysis
Will model the fluid interaction on the AUV. Will also seek to optimize the fin design to maximize the maneuverability
Mechatronics: Controls Algorithm development (x2)
Will be responsible for the algorithm that will be used to control the AUV. Will be based on the tasks that are to be completed for the RoboSub 2023 competition