Join us! 

Would you like to join us?

This is the eligibility criteria:

We use a Slack group for internal communication. You can create a free Slack account using your mun email address. Download the Slack mobile app now!

Join our Discord Channel today!   Click here

Do you need any prior experience to join? Not at all, we are looking for hardworking and curious juniors who want to gain exposure to and understanding for design (in terms of mechanical/electrical), project management and coding or even administration.


 Some of the things you could work on (Current Postings for Volunteers)

Structural: Internal and External Hull Design and Manufacturing


Electrical: PCB design and manufacturing x2 

➢    Voltage/Current Sensing

➢    Heat sensing/Dissipation


Software: Social Media and Website Development 


Fluids: Fluids and Fin Analysis


Mechatronics: Controls Algorithm development (x2)